Weekend Czech course in Vysočina
From Friday till Sunday, in the heart of Vysočina, only Czech.
Do you want to learn basics of Czech? Do you want to start to speak, extend your vocabulary, finally start to understand? Enjoy the spring weekend in the luxury cottage near Ždírec nad Doubravou, in the middle of Vysočina with us. The team of professional and experienced teachers is waiting for you. We are going to make the Czech lessons funny and interactive and to help you to learn as much as possible. You will learn the same as in the course once a week in two months. The whole programme is in Czech.
When: from Friday (the arrival at 4:00-6:30 PM, the programme starts with the dinner at 7:00 PM) till Sunday (the programme finishes at about 4 PM, but you can enjoy the beautiful nature in Vysočina afterwards)
Where: Slavíkov near Ždírec nad Doubravou, map
by car about 1 h 30 min from Brno and 1 h 45 min from Prague
by train/bus about 2 h from Brno and 2 h 30 min from Prague
The price of the course: 3900 CZK (Paid in advance). 7 x 90 minute Czech lessons and two informal Czech evenings with a lot of activities and fun are included in the price.
Lessons: There will be small groups of 3-4 students. Students will be devided into groups according their level. We put emphasis on speaking and communication in all our lessons.
The price of the accommodation and food: about 2000 CZK (It will be specified later. Paid in the beginning of the course). Accommodation in double bedrooms in the luxury cottage near the lake (two nights) and the full board (two nights) are included in the price. If you are interested in a single bedroom, please, contact us.

Photos from the weekend course in spring 2015
Photos from the weekend course in spring 2016
Photos from the weekend course in spring 2017
Since I’ve got back, my Czech teacher is very impressed with my Czech – she says that it’s impossible to make me stop speaking Czech now. It was previously impossible to make me start speaking Czech, so this is a clear improvement.
Richard, Translator, spring 2015, spring 2016, spring 2017
Venku sněžilo, vítr foukala, hodně pršelo, rtuť byl negativní. Ale nevadilo. Vevnitř byla bááááječná atmosféra. Vývoj a úprava kurzu byli velmi profesionální. Jak spojit zábava a vážnost? Dobře jste dělaly. Bylo to mnohem lepši než jsem myslel. BRRRAAAAAVO!
Michael, spring 2017
Interested in the course or do you need more information? Contact us!