Mr Holben owns a large cacti collection. Suddenly, they start to get lost. And what’s more – all of them are unique and rare cacti! Will we succeed in finding out who is stealing them and why?
Articles for March 2013
How to make “mazanec” – tradicional Czech Easter bread
Mazanec je tradiční české velikonoční jídlo. Koupíte ho téměř všude, ale nejlepší je domácí. Pokud si ho chcete sami udělat, můžete zkusit recept naší rodiny.
2nd Study Czech Friday – Eating in Brno
This lesson is aimed at the beginners and false beginners. We are going to introduce names of some typical Czech meals, how much they cost and how to order them in a restaurant. The students will practice the dialogues, so that they can go to a restaurant directly after the lesson and put the language to life.