Brno might not the most beautiful city in the world, but it is my favorite. It’s a very friendly place that has a lot to offer, both to tourists and people who decided to stay a bit longer. Let’s take a look at what you could (and should) do while in Brno!


1) Observatory and Planetarium

You certainly don’t have to be Sheldon Cooper to enjoy the “temple of science”. And you can see the stars in the sky even in bad weather. The projection of the artificial sky is extraordinary. If the weather is nice, though, you can see the night sky and have a great view on Brno as the planetarium is conveniently located in the area of Kraví hora – central and in a beautiful park.

2) Trade Fairs

Some of the shows are well known and traditional, some of them are fairly new. I could recommend following:

Autosalon: International Motor Show. The soonest will be held 5.-8.4.2013 (the posters say 4.-8.4., but be careful, 4.4. is press day only, so you can’t get in unless you are accredited).

Animefest. If you’re a fan of Japanese culture, you’d better be in Brno sometime between 10. and 12.5. 2013. For more info on the program visit:

Vinex: International Wine Fair, which will be held on the 24. and 25.5. 2013

Intercanis and Interfelis: International Dog and Cat shows (29.-30.6. 2013).

MSV: International Engineering Fair (7.-11.10. 2013)

I don’t want to bore you with all the fairs I’d love to go to, so check out the schedule for yourself, I’m sure you’ll find something that you might be interested in. And you should go since the Trade Fairs compound, apart from the fair, is an interesting thing to see!

3) Boat trip on the dam lake

The Brno dam lake is a very popular place not only for tourists but for many locals as well. A bike trip round the lake is the best way of spending a Saturday! If you’re too lazy to ride the bike, just take a walk or take a trip on the boat (the season is supposed to start on 11.4. 2013).
Take the boat to the Veveri Castle and spend some time there, too. The first reference to the castle is from the 13th century, today’s look comes from the 14th. My secret tip: if you’re not that much into castles, don’t go for the inside tour, but the courtyards and tower are pretty amazing. The castle is currently undergoing a reconstruction, however, it will take a long time until it’s finished. Take it as a rare opportunity to compare and contrast the reconstructed and original parts of the castle.

4) Mariánské údolí (Marian Valley)

It is said that half of Brno goes to the dam lake and the other half to Marian Valley. And it is true. Marian Valley is easily reached by bus. The Marian Valley consists of “lakes” (man made water reservoirs that were built from 1953 to 1967) surrounded by forests. During your walk you can visit several mills, restaurants, playgrounds for children and three caves, two of which are freely accessible. Worth visiting!

5) Underground Labyrinth on Zelný trh (Cabbage Market)

This complex maze of underground tunnels and cellars opened to public in April 2011 after a large reconstruction and it is something that you absolutely have to visit. During a 45-minute tour you can discover the mysterious Brno underground with its dark corners and, on a brighter side, wine cellar. Some of the corridors date back to middle ages and they go as deep as 8 meters under the ground. How amazing is that?

Enjoy your time in Brno! I’ve realized there are so many great places in Brno that are worth seeing that I just have to write a sequel to this article. Stay tuned for Brno Top 5, part 2! And what are your favorite places in Brno – my favorite city? :)

Author: Dagmar Wiesnerová