We have some free places in our courses from October.

Czech for children and their parents

Age of kids Place Start Day Time No. of lessons Price Occup.
3-6 years Online 01/10/2023 Monday 17:45-18:15 10 x 30 min 1.750 CZK 1 Free place
7-10 years In school 03/10/2023 Tuesday 17:45-18:45 10 x 60 min 2.700 CZK 2 Free places

Are you interested? Contact us :)

Lessons for adults

Level Place Day Starting Time No. of lessons Price
False Beginners (A1/2) In school We 04/10/2023 18:15-19:45 10 x 90 min 4.600 CZK
Advanced (B1/2) Online Mo 02/10/2023 16:00-17:30 10 x 90 min 4.600 CZK

Are you interested? Contact us :)